We create a better foundation for athletes abroad

With Sport Abroad, we want to create a better foundation for the athlete, so that even more players will evolve and perform better during their first time abroad.

We support the player to both perform and envolve

We aim to prevent loneliness, doubt and mistrust

Integration of athletes – “off the pitch”

Relational processes should not be underestimated during the phases of a young professional footballers’ transnational migration, they need support both on and off the pitch.

Sport Abroad works together with the athlete and builds a strong foundation in the non-football domains (off the pitch) in order to create the best possible balance in life. A happy and motivated player will be able to both perform and evolve.

The move abroad is a great and exiting challenge. Sport Abroad helps the player to establish themselves off the pitch so that the essentials for sporting success as well as personal pleasure are optimised.

Statements from people in the industry

Sport Abroad supports the athlete in a period of the career where he/she is very vulnerable. There is so much at stake and this process is very underrated in a players’ career development.
Troels Bech
Former Sports Director, Brøndby IF
Hjøllund, you are the right one to solve this task – mainly because it requires a person who can focus on the human being and the environment behind great achievements.
Jesper Nyholm
Founder of 7Peaks

For further information or dialogue feel free to write an email or give us a call – we are ready to help you.

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